Balanced By Katie’s guide to staying fit, healthy, and happy over the holidays


With family in town, traveling, cooking, and eating yummy food, the holidays can make it difficult to keep up with our health and wellness goals. Although it’s important to relax and cherish time with our loved ones, staying in tune with our bodies and well-being will make for an even happier holiday season. Here are some tips to help you keep up with your health and wellness goals while enjoying yourself over the holidays!

Utilize the Holidays as A Way to Move 

Whether you’re on vacation or you have family and friends in town, use this as an opportunity to move rather than as an excuse to be too busy to workout. Walk to your favorite restaurants instead of driving-- it’ll be a great form of exercise and an opportunity for out of town guests to be shown around. If you decide to travel for the holidays, consider going on hikes, bike rides, or strolls with your family. There is no better way to explore a new city than by feet or bike! Even when it comes to holiday shopping, refrain from ordering online and do some in person shopping instead! You may be surprised to find how much of a workout a day at the mall can be. So, even if you find yourself too busy to workout this holiday season, try to add movement into your everyday routine as much as possible! I promise there is room for it. 

Take Some Time to Yourself

I know the holidays can be crazy-- catching up with lots of family and friends. Although social interaction is beneficial to our well-being, it is important to make time for yourself. Go for a solo walk, dedicate some time to meditate, jump in the ocean or swim in the pool, read a book in nature, learn a new recipe to cook, paint or draw, etc. Use your alone time to reflect on yourself and what you are grateful for this holiday season!

Be Mindful When you Eat

Holiday season means lots of delicious food which is great, but it is good to be mindful of what and how much you eat. Listen to your body and pay close attention to what food sits well and what doesn’t. Try to take your time at the dinner table and eat slowly, that way you can enjoy your company with loved ones while allowing your food to properly digest. When your body feels full, take a rest! You will thank yourself the next morning when you feel energized and revitalized.